i try to reinstall many times but this error still pop up
--- Begin chusan_pre_startup ---
Pinned shader compiler, hMod=7B550000
Pinned debug helper library, hMod=72300000
DVD: hook enabled.
Chunithm IO: Using custom IO DLL: chusnio_x86.dll
USB I/O: Starting IO backend
Not using Kernel driver.
= Interface claimed =
--- End chusan_pre_startup ---
Clock: Returning JST timezone
Runtime exception occurred.
File: D:\Jenkins\workspace\amdaemon_all_build\libs\amdipc\src\SharedMemory.cpp
Line: 164
Function: struct std::pair<class std::unique_ptr<void *,struct `anonymous namespace'::HandleDeleter>,bool> __cdecl `anonymous-namespace'::createMemoryMap(unsigned int,const wchar_t *,struct _SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES *)
Message: CreateFileMappingW failed.
[0x00000000004365db] <unknown symbol> @ <unknown file>:D:\CHUNITHM NEW\app\bin\chusanApp.exe
[0x00000000005480ee] <unknown symbol> @ <unknown file>:D:\CHUNITHM NEW\app\bin\chusanApp.exe
Game processes have terminated
Press any key to continue . . .
any helps?