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  1. I didn't even know about this .dll registration step before. Thanks for the tip! I solved this issue on my end by updating K-Lite Codec Pack. Try the .dll registration thing first, if that doesn't work, try updating K-Lite. CPU: Intel Pentium G2030 GPU: AMD Radeon R7 350 2GB RAM: 12GB OS: Windows 10
  2. Today I've had a few share of problems with A20 Plus Final. It was working perfectly last week, but I tried playing it today and suddenly, the game had issues. Maybe some Windows update or some program I installed/uninstalled screwed things over... First, I had the "white screen, instant crash" when opening the game and the EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION error in log file. Installing the DirectX 9 Redist fixed the crash issue for me, thanks for sharing the tip! Then I had another issue: After choosing certain songs, they weren't being loaded and thus soft-locked the game. Turns out those were the songs with videos. Another clue was that my title screen and song selection screen had a black backgound instead of the normal video background. So, I updated K-Lite Codec Pack to the latest version, and then, this video issue was fixed. After that, I was able to play A20 Plus Final perfectly on the blue theme, didn't need to force the gold theme, mess with other .dlls and stuff.
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