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  1. Has anyone managed to run WMMT 6RR at TP? Mine doesn't launch for some reason. Thanks!
  2. Just an update. I tried doing several changes to be able to run the game on my NVIDIA GPU and nothing works. Some of the things I did: 1. Changing my preferred graphics processor to my NVIDIA GPU 2. Changing my NVIDIA settings for the game (tried enabling v-sync and setting frame limit to 60) 3. Setting TP and other of its application needed to run WMMT6 to my NVIDIA GPU I'll be uploading a event log with regards to the game crashing, hope this helps to figure out the problem : ) WMMT6 Error.evtx
  3. Does anyone have a fix to this? So basically I wanna run WMMT6 on my NVIDIA GPU but the problem is that whenever I set it to that GPU, it launches then crashes! It only works when I set it to run on my Intergrated Graphics card, but its to laggy which is why I wanna run it on my NVIDIA GPU
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