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Tout ce qui a été posté par bicarus

  1. it works perfectly fine for most people.... it's most likely an issue on your end, maybe post logs so the issue can be diagnosed. - dont use windowed mode, these games are not designed to work in a window - don't change any touch settings, they are for actual touch screens and not mouse. mouse should work by default, don't change things like "force touch emulation" or "native touch handling" - try turning off spice overlay from spicecfg (usually doesn't make a difference but worth trying)
  2. [2023/07/18 22:00:11] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::GetMixFormat [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio::wasapi: IAudioClient::Initialize hook hit [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio::wasapi: ... ShareMode : AUDCLNT_SHAREMODE_SHARED [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio::wasapi: ... StreamFlags : AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_EVENTCALLBACK | AUDCLNT_STREAMFLAGS_NOPERSIST [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio::wasapi: ... hnsBufferDuration : 101587 [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio::wasapi: ... hnsPeriodicity : 101587 [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio: Wave Format: [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio: ... SubFormat : {00000001-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71} [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio: ... nChannels : 0 [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio: ... nSamplesPerSec : 44100 [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio: ... nAvgBytesPerSec : 4201545752 [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio: ... nBlockAlign : 0 [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio: ... wBitsPerSample : 16 [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio: ... wValidBitsPerSample : 16 [2023/07/18 22:00:11] I:audio: ... dwChannelMask : SPEAKER_FRONT_LEFT | SPEAKER_FRONT_RIGHT [2023/07/18 22:00:11] W:audio::wasapi: IAudioClient::Initialize failed, hr=0x80070057 [2023/07/18 09:00:10] W:SuperstepSound: Audio device is not available!!! shared mode audio device failed to initialize, check if device is set to 44.1khz
  3. couple advice: * make sure you don't have multiple copies of gamemdx.dll - i.e., don't have one in modules AND one next to spicetools. Delete any duplicates. You can see from the logs that it's trying to load d:\ddra20+\contents\libavs-win32.dll but I think your screenshot is inside modules folder. * you can also delete "-exec gamemdx.dll" from spiceotols parameters and just let it auto detect. * download spice2x and it'll give you a better error message without dead links to dependencies
  4. check "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" and "Give exclusive mode applications priority" or, enable shared mode wasapi hex edit.
  5. [2023/07/13 21:22:12] W:SuperstepSound: Audio device is not available!!! audio error follow guide
  6. I think the hex edit is incomplete, for 0404 version, someone tried to hack in the 60 FPS LDJ song select, but unfortunately caused the sprites to run at wrong speed. Will be a community effort to figure out a new hex edit that works properly.
  7. I see what you mean now. I don't think anyone has figured out how to run in LDJ new cab mode (J:E:A cab) with 60Hz song select menu.
  8. If you want LDJ to run at 60hz, I don't think you are supposed to check "force custom timing in LDJ", you only need that if you want to run LDJ at higher refresh rate. In theory if you patch nothing, then LDJ runs at 60Hz by default.
  9. sprite overlapping means the game isn't running correctly at the desired refresh rate (combined with the hex edits) what's your monitor check at when you boot up the game? post log.txt and a screenshot of what patches you have
  10. change nvidia power management settings
  11. yes, it's a 1080p game frame drops in the menu is normal, frame drops while playing a song is not normal i would recommend following this guide to resolve frame drops, especially the part about setting power management (do it for spice64.exe obviously) unfortunately, sound voltex is known to run poorly on AMD processors
  12. set audio mode to wasapi and apply shared mode wasapi hex edit, that's really all there is to it
  13. spicetools / spice2x support MIDI perfectly.
  14. the second monitor has to support 1280x720@60hz. you can try to fix this by enabling gpu resolution scaling for that monitor (in nvidia control panel for example) if you have 3 or more monitors it also has problems and it's not really worth it unless it's a touch screen, becuase you can't interact with the second screen with a mouse, clicks only work on the primary screen
  15. it uses the second monitor by default
  16. I would recommend starting clean from scratch because i think you have messed up some update files along the way for example: [2023/06/05 18:20:01] I:avs-ea3: overwriting ext 2021091500 with 2023040400 from C:\Users\junne\Desktop\LDJ-003-2022101900 (V-M's)\contents\prop\bootstrap.xml this isn't common, 20210915 is CastHour. -exec bm2dx.dll - remove, not needed -url http://localhost:8083/ - needed for asphyxia -card0 ***** - needed for asphyxia -iidx - not needed -iidxdisablecams - OK -iidxtdj OK -modules modules OK -e C:\Users\junne\Desktop\LDJ-003-2022101900 (V-M's)\contents\prop\ea3-config.xml - not needed -a C:\Users\junne\Desktop\LDJ-003-2022101900 (V-M's)\contents\prop\app-config.xml - not needed -v C:\Users\junne\Desktop\LDJ-003-2022101900 (V-M's)\contents\prop\avs-config.xml - not needed -b C:\Users\junne\Desktop\LDJ-003-2022101900 (V-M's)\contents\prop\bootstrap.xml - not needed -api 1337 -apipass ***** - only needed if you need SpiceCompanion -io - not needed -audiobackend asio - you have RealTek ASIO and that often doesn't work with IIDX, recommend removing this option and just use wasapi -loglevel misc
  17. [2023/06/05 16:11:27] I:avs-core: log level: fatal try setting Log Level (-loglevel) option to "misc" and share log again, becuase you have it set to "fatal" it may hide some problems
  18. ok, you say "freezes and crashes" but i don't see anything in the log, so it sounds like it's not actually a crash can you perhaps screen shot (or video) what you are seeing, maybe there is an error message somewhere. remember that you can change the game language to English instead of Japanese so you can read the message.
  19. are you using the latest asphyxia plugin? also i have no idea why you are manually specifying full paths to XML like that... that's a weird thing to do. in fact you don't need like 80% of the options you are specifying
  20. there is an option in spicecfg (Disable Touch Card Input / -touchnocard)
  21. [2023/06/05 00:52:42] I:graphics::d3d9: D3D9Ex fullscreen display mode for adapter 0: Width: 1920, Height: 1080, RefreshRate: 60, Format: D3DFMT_X8R8G8B8, ScanLineOrdering: 1 The game failed to launch at 1080p@120hz so you probably get a monitor error. Usually solved by setting GPU resolution scaling in NVIDIA control panel or similar [----/--/-- --:--:--] W:mounttab: boot(/dev/nvram2,/dev/nvram) mount error(80070011) you also have nvram mount error, see guide for how to fix
  22. You have: W:mounttab: boot(/dev/nvram2,/dev/nvram) mount error(80070011) Follow the guide again and see the section about the error above on how to fix, and try again
  23. follow guide first - [2023/05/19 20:50:12] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Stop [2023/05/19 20:50:12] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Reset [2023/05/19 20:50:12] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Stop [2023/05/19 20:50:12] M:audio::wasapi: WrappedIAudioClient::Reset [2023/05/19 20:50:12] M:imgui_impl_spice: shutdown Seems like the game is shutting down by itself (and then crashing), usually this is bad server configuration, or graphics issue (game window is closing by itself) Using latest Asphyxia plugin? can you remove -smartea and -eamaint? Can you try windowed mode?
  24. [2023/05/15 16:25:25] W:signal: exception raised: EXCEPTION_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION [2023/05/15 16:25:25] I:signal: printing callstack [2023/05/15 09:25:27] M:ea3-pos: ea3_report_posev: "/coin/reset", 1 [2023/05/15 09:25:27] M:ea3-pos: ea3_posev_show_debug: slot[0]: coin 0, service 0, credit 0(0+0), from_coin 0, to_credit 0, player 0 [2023/05/15 09:25:27] M:ea3-pos: ea3_posev_show_debug: slot[1]: coin 0, service 0, credit 0(0+0), from_coin 1, to_credit 1, player 1 [2023/05/15 16:25:26] I:stackwalker: 0000000180205F29 (bm2dx): (unknown): (unknown) seems like another illegal instruction error, I think it's because your processor does not support SSE4.1 (not just SSE4.2), I don't think there is any way to fix this to run on your 15 year old PC...sorry
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