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  1. Spice only outputs what a real cabinet outputs. If you run TDJ mode (lightning cab mode) it does have RGB LEDs that pulse with the music.
  2. most likely will work but it's too hard to play on small screens, it's meant to be played on 21 inch screen not 8
  3. You need to have a Kinect (the xbox360 camera), install Kinect SDK v1.x, Kinect Developer Tools, and DirectX SDK. Otherwise the game fails to launch like this.
  4. The game is mysteriously shutting down. It's really hard to figure out what the problem is. I see that you are playing on a gaming laptop. If so, make sure you're forcing the game to run on the dGPU.
  5. As pointed out above, do not use dx9on12 on Epolis
  6. [2024/10/28 02:14:18] I:patchmanager: reloading (local) and applying patches [2024/10/28 02:14:18] I:patchmanager: loaded patches for bm2dx.dll from patches/LDJ-66ff5733_a6589c.json [2024/10/28 02:14:18] I:patchmanager: patches file info: { "gameCode": "LDJ", "version": "2024-10-09 (012)", "lastUpdated": "2024-10-15 09:38:30", "source": "" } [2024/10/28 02:14:18] I:patchmanager: auto apply: Standard/Menu Timer Freeze = ON [2024/10/28 02:14:18] I:patchmanager: loaded total of 41 patches [2024/10/28 02:14:18] I:avs-game: loaded successfully (0x180000000) You didn't apply the patch the tutorial tells you to apply. You need to go to Patches tab and set Force Audio Output Mode to WASAPI.
  7. No one can help you unless you post logs.
  8. [2024/10/26 16:42:27] W:iidx: This game does not accept SOUND_OUTPUT_DEVICE environment variable; it will be ignored [2024/10/26 16:42:27] W:iidx: Make sure you applied appropriate patches to use the correct sound device (ASIO or WASAPI) [2024/10/26 16:42:34] W:SuperstepSound: Audio device is not available!!! Follow two-torial to import patches & apply WASAPI audio patch.
  9. 9on12 breaks epolis.
  10. update to latest spice2x, seems like you're using an old version of spicetools. follow two-torial from beginning to end, you haven't setup anything properly.
  11. Those tweets are just inside jokes, nonsensical to people who aren't insane. That picture is photoshopped. It's not a "location test in the US". Every version in American stores are already U:D:A, and has been for years....
  12. You need to force WASAPI shared mode using patches.
  13. It works fine for most people, assuming you are using a spice2x version from the last year or so. The borderless window feature was added because sdvx players requested it.
  14. Sample arduino code is included in every spice2x zip file. Look in api\arduino folder.
  15. Because the other guy gave you the wrong URL. Paste this one instead:
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