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  • Hardware
    Core i5 4790, Intel HD grapgics, 16gb ram

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  1. SOLVED!!! Hello, Yes my pc's can ping each other, i turned off firewall on both, and used static ip's but still no change. my 2 player games works perfectly but i am a bit OCD about the title screen text! Anyway.... i think i fixed it by editing the [Graphics] entries on the 2nd player PC config.txt file Here is the end result. Much better.....
  2. Hi all, I have Teknoparrot running Sega Rally 3 in 2 player LAN. Watching the demo screen, the "sega rally 3" title logo does not flow through each screen as i would expect it to. Has anyone else noticed this or is yours working ok? please watch this an example: Both pcs are running 720p @ 60hz same version of Teknoparrot. left screen cab ID = 1 right screen cab ID = 2
  3. for G25, you must turn the Gear shifter to sequential. Dont ask why just do it, and then you can use view change.
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