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À propos de sidjones

  • Date de naissance 13/02/1972

Profile Information

  • hobbies
    Visual Pinball table author, building and setting up arcade and vpinball cabinets.
  • Hardware
    Arcade cabinet
    Vpin cabinet

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Rookie (2/14)

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  1. sidjones

    [Tuto] Pinball FX 3 Cabinet Mode

    I used the original unlocked files from the first page of the thread with the current skidrow indy exe. Replaced the exe and replaced the stats.ini. hit the cabinet icon, entered a code. Force closed. Reopened. And it was in cabinet mode. It would not keep the cabinet code active unless I launched the game with the -offline argument. Is there a way to force that in one of the ini files?
  2. Windows doesn't always order the xinput/dinput controls in the same order. I don't know how you could make it portable. For my setup I have a few things always plugged in and some I only add when I need. So I use x360ce and sync the hid guardian once my pc boots, which keeps my first 3 controllers always in the same order. I also use devreorder for other emulators to hide all controllers except the one necessary. Hope that helps at least point you in the right direction. That's what I have to do to keep my controls in order on my arcade cab.
  3. I just put them in with my american laser games theme
  4. I appologize if this is somewhere on the forums. Been looking all afternoon. So i have an arcade cabinet with 2 xinput sticks, 2 aimtrak guns, an xinput racing wheel and 2 xbox one controllers. Devreorder fixes any issues ive had for most emulators. I cant seem to figure out how to use it with teknoparrot. I tried the devreorder system wide setup but it causes some other games not to function. So i have to do it emulator by emulator. Any information on how to force controller order in teknoparrot games would be greatly appreciated.
  5. sidjones

    Here comes a new challenger

    hello. Have been messing with emulation since the 90s. One of the original vpin cab builders and visual pinball table authors. MyHi. Been messing with emulation since the 90s. One of the original vpincab builders and visual pinball table authors. Found the site when building my first arcade cabinet. Best site for finding answers for arcade issues teknoparrot and glallrh. Now getting a wealth of information on using my new lightguns. Mostly prefer lightgun and driving games and all arcade. Hope to get my arcade setup running perfectly with your help. Thanks for having me
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