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À propos de OraimuDesR

  • Date de naissance 12 août

Profile Information

  • Hardware
    Taito Viewlix Bootleg Cabinet
    PIU Exceed Cabinet (Not work)

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Collaborator (7/14)

  • Reacting Well Rare
  • One Year In
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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. Anyone have Taiko No Tatsujin 11 Asia Edition working dongle? i used System2x6 repository one but it didn't work and i modified normal 11 dongle but only gaves gray screen
  2. Hi everyone, anyone from here tried System 2X6 in Android? Just for curiousity i'm trying to run Taiko 14 but appears a SYSTEM.CNF error. If anyone know how to fix this and help me, i will upload all taiko converted and battle gear 3 .chd here and thx!
  3. yes but we don't have enough space for extract the 100gb .img file
  4. Does anyone have Taiko 12-14 converted .chd files? I want try them but the System 2x6 archive org chd's doesn't works and i don't have enough space for convert the HDD +100gb.img file in .chd, thanks!
  5. Thanks but I meant, you have the original files from the game data? Not a YouTube video
  6. someone have a DDR A20/A20+ Gold cabinet background video files?
  7. all new games are dumped day 1 dosent mean you get them
  8. i meant, what version from SDEZ you have, not my opt
  9. Anyone have SDEZ 1.10 Segatools? Looks like you using SDEZ 1.30 with 1..35 files, remember read the README.TXT # ONLY FOR SDEZ 1.35 (NOT 1.30 WITH 1.35 FILES)
  10. Hi don't forget give me credits for my G090😁 New update from mini omnimix for SDEZ 1.35 G090 v1.0 Only For SDEZ 1.35 maimai Deluxe Festival Plus (REAL, NOT 1.30 modded) NEW -Add maimai Deluxe FESTIVAL PLUS Deleted Songs ·1/3の純情な感情 ·Paradisus-Paradoxum ·六厘歌 ·ノーポイッ ·町かどタンジェント ·紅蓮華 ·MIRACLE RUSH ·Pretender -Add maimai Deluxe Deleted Songs (EXCEPT UTAGE EXCLUSIVES FOR THE MOMENT) ·PERFECT HUMAN ·SUSHI食べたい feat.ソイソース ·7 Girls War ·Jumping!! ·ゆりゆららららゆるゆり大事件 ·いぇす!ゆゆゆ☆ゆるゆり♪♪ ·ちょちょちょ!ゆるゆり☆かぷりっちょ!!! ·H-A-J-I-M-A-R-I-U-T-A-!! ·Star☆Glitter Bug Fixes -maimai Deluxe PLUS/maimai Deluxe Splash Jackets are fixed, no more dummy jacket (PLEASE DO NOT REUPLOAD/RESHARE WITHOUT CREDIT) G090 VIDEO
  11. Hi, your dowload button doesn't work, return to the same emuline page.
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