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  1. I did what you told me friend and it keeps failing, thank you anyway, I will continue playing the previous version that works for me with the previous emulator of 21 characters since these errors appear and the game does not work
  2. In the emulator before this one it works for me but this menu does not appear, as with your change, in this latest version of dolphin bar from 11/20/2024 these errors appear and the game does not work for me
  3. I can't get into the test menu, I have this game from this series and it works perfectly on the Wii emulator but there are 21 characters, it's from 2005, I don't know if it will be another version, if so, can you send me the link or tell me if this game is like it? access the test menu thanks
  4. I can't figure out where to put that code to unlock those 4 hidden characters, can you put some screenshots or YouTube tutorial, thanks in advance my friend Neither in the game nor in the emulator do I find those guidelines
  5. Hello, good afternoon. I would like to know if anyone knows how I can do to get the 2 player in the rcps3 emulator in mouse games, lightguns Since I have the dead storm and when I take out the 2 player the crosshair or reticle joins the player 1 Is there any way to be able to separate the 2players? Either by playing something from the emulator or programming files from it Thanks
  6. Like your friend, I've done everything but I'm not able to move from here, I'm not even able to put credits, I'll check it out, I'll throw in the towel until there is more update for this game
  7. I'm at work when I get home I'll check if I solve it I'll tell you, at the same time
  8. Yes,please and thanks friend 👍
  9. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to yell, I don't know how to download the calligraphy and not make it so big, sometimes I get like that, what you're saying I know, all my games recognize my controller, this one doesn't recognize it, I don't know why thank you
  10. THANKS How do you get the Xbox 360 controller to recognize you? Can you show an image of it? It doesn't recognize it for me, just keyboard and mouse. thanks in advance
  11. Thank you very much friend I already tried it but nothing works
  12. I can't get credit and start buttons can someone help me, thanks
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