The weapon fix is at the link (!lJImwILL!raAPcZkN_ORCp6oVEO2j1ltd4wSSXPl_4pBsCZw7eHc) provided from this thread (
Here's the text:
Haunted Museum 2
There are 2 available dumps of this game, one was a Taito game and the other (Fright Fear Land) was a Global VR game.
You can find on the DemulShooter’s thread (,149714.0.html) a link to a patching utility for FFL/HauntedMuseum 2...use it to open the game.exe file and know which version you have.
Usage :
Open the game HAUNTED2.INI file and make sure you have : JVSENABLE 0 GUNENABLE 0
Run DemulShooter for this game : DemulShooter.exe -target=ttx -rom=hmuseum2
If you want to make the game harder (funnier ?) you can run it like this instead : DemulShooter.exe -target=ttx -rom=hmuseum2 -hardffl
With the -hardffl option, you'll play by default with the rifle pistol and pressing the change weapon button will make you use the machinegun
Run the game and play, no need for calibration.
Haunted Museum 2 Controls
Mouse Buttons
Change Weapon