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  1. Because he didn't decrypt the exe at all, he just grabbed the stock unity exe from the same version of the unity engine.
  2. if its a unity based game, most of the time you can get away by grabbing the same version of unity (from unity's website) and replace the exe. (won't work if the dlls are also encrypted obviously)
  3. Because he is rrz/robert/insert all those 69420k accounts here that he created to spam here on emuline and on various discord servers. (so he is always banned)
  4. Can someone reup this?
  5. he's not troll just mentally handycapped and would seriously need some mental healthcare (no sane people would do what he does, he is another RRZ/robert alt account)
  6. Try annoying spiderzsoft, maybe he will cave in. You're a master of annoying people mr RRZ/Robert/your other 69k accounts.
  7. About server + segatools support that RcadeHax hoards and he always cries here and there that others weren't first adding support for X game, he has them running for ages now.
  8. Beta? Weird way to say it was just flexed by a hoarder who always shits on other emulators that they aren't first in anything, yet he never releases anything. 🤣
  9. HmmCheese

    IGS Arcade Dumps (Uncracked)

    They are most likely encrypted just like speed driver 4, literally waste of space without real pcb and their fpga
  10. not PC based, ask mame
  11. HmmCheese

    lindbergh roms

    Go check their discord, they literally said they stole stuff then they were proud that they didn't do any work and games started working.
  12. HmmCheese

    lindbergh roms

    And recently added stolen code from TP.
  13. here you go: _19Fgl._90pHkjI
  14. That could help too, can you send link?
  15. Can someone reup the full hdd image?
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