Hi everyone, this is quite an interesting thread, with lots of useful info, but unfortunately I still can't get KFC-2021060802 to run.
So I got the same problem several other people already reported in this thread, but I still can't figure out how to get it resolved...
[2022/01/30 10:05:34] I:avs-game: loading DLL 'soundvoltex.dll'
[2022/01/30 10:05:34] W:libutils: 'E:\Games\Sound Voltex 6\SDVX\contents\soundvoltex.dll' couldn't be loaded: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden.
[2022/01/30 10:05:34] F:libutils:
Please check if soundvoltex.dll exists and the permissions are fine.
If the problem still persists, try installing:
* Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributables (*all* versions, *both* x86/x64)
Hint: use one of the AIO installers (e.g. https://github.com/abbodi1406/vcredist)
* DirectX End-User Runtimes (June 2010)
* Running Windows 10 "N"?
Grab: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/mediafeaturepack
Check: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4562569/media-feature-pack-for-windows-10-n-may-2020
* Running Windows 7 "N"?
Grab: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=16546
* Still have problems?
Find the missing dependency using: http://www.dependencywalker.com/
[2022/01/30 10:05:34] I:launcher: stopping subsystems
[2022/01/30 10:05:34] I:logger: stop
[2022/01/30 10:05:34] I:rawinput: disposing devices
- I installed all of the c++ distributables using the linked AIO installer.
- reinstalled the June 2010 DirectX Runtime
- I'm not running Windows 10 "N" or Windows 7 "N", so this doesn't apply
- The folders are not "read only"
- I tried some other shenanigans other people suggested, like using a different soundvoltex.dll or putting a d3d9.dll into the same folder, but that didn't change anything
- I also got KFC-2021083100 and copied that into the contents folder, but nothing changed
- afterwards I also copied 2021102000 over that, but no change to the problem.
I'm slowly but surely running out of ideas, so I decided to ask for advice here. Hopefully someone has an idea what I might be doing wrong.
Thanks in advance and have a nice weekend.