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  1. Comment avoir le tachymètre en KM au lieu en MPH, et comment installé le FFB patch SVP? How to have speedmeter in KM instead of MPH, and how install FFB patch please? THX
  2. You are in right, it's seems "FFB emulator with rumble signal", but work very fine it's very closed with FFB, you have force feddback sensation.
  3. for definitive fix scale issue: For the sun light I decrease -sunheightvalue but for some track on OR2 like desert sometime stay strong.
  4. I am pretty sure on XBOX it does, I had this wheel: on PS3 you have lot of down of framerarte (casino town for exemple) and outrun 2 track missing (like on online version xbox 360)
  5. found for the rumble down FFB Arcade Plugin, copy opengl32.dll in C:\...\TeknoParrot\TeknoParrot, and other file in C:\...\or2spdlx\disk0\Jennifer. Run FFBPluginGUI.exe. So 2 last little problem before be happy, sometime I have a down of framrate, also I have a relatively powerful PC (i7 7700k and 1080 ti Azus strix 11gb), How to have full speed evrytime? Other thing sunshine make me blind, how to have less brightness ssunshine in game? THX NB: Lindbergh have linux OS, so teknoparrot wit OR2 is emulator or loader?
  6. screen issue fixed, same for mapping controller but no rumble. How to do?
  7. I have this issue.
  8. Hello I newbie with Tteknoparrot. I need some of help about: - I have issue scale: intro game in 2/3 screen and in game I have a zoom on part screen (maybe 3/2 zoom) - I dont know how to set my xbox 360 controller, i,clude rumble - I have 2 screen, teknoparrot run always on first screen and I would like run it on second. THX
  9. Tout d'abord un grand merci et toute mes excuse pour ma reponse tardive. J'y suis presque j'ai 2 truc que je n'arrive pas a avoir: - impossible d'atteindre la ligne region avec Daytaona usa 2 power edition - en full screen l'ecran est zoomé impossible d'avoir le bon ratio (mes paramètres: fullscreen, 1920x1080 et widescreen), j'ai une parti de l'image qui deborde l'ecran Enfin comment parametré le full steering? Merci
  10. hello les copains Je me plonge enfin sur ce superbe emu et je galère a deux niveau, le premier lorsque je lance une rom elle tourne n boucle sur le test s'initialise et puis le jeu reboot... L'autre problème est le paramétrage de mon controler xbox 360....j'ai sélectionné xinput tenté de paramétré des bouton mais aucune reaction. Si une ame charitable pouvais me faire un print screen de ses setting pour les jeu de voiture SVP? Enfin a quoi sa ser Power PC's sert a quelque chose d'augmenter a 60hz...100hz...
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