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  1. do you guys have the shell window focused? I believe the keys only work in the shell window. you have to insert coins or whatever in the shell window, then go back to the game window. then you can shoot. You can run the game as administrator and start the game from the game window, but you still need to put in coins at the shell window. Even set to freeplay i still have to put in coins or start the game from the shell window.
  2. no problem... i left it up for a while, but needed the space for something else.
  3. Someone else will need to share it. I need the space right now.
  4. what extras are you talking about?
  5. @lords i gave him my copy and he is working now.
  6. it goes black, then says zombies ate your brains, and then goes to the intro screen. I still have to go to the server screen to insert coins even though i have it set to free play to start a new game.
  7. Not much to it... try redownloading the game download the pointer fix, and copy the files from it to the appropriate folders. run startstomperdevelopment.bat press c for coin press 1 for player 1 hold right click to activate cursor The cursor moves very quickly
  8. how do you get past the out of paper error?
  9. Looks like it's working and this is on a phone.
  10. Try this aHR0cHM6Ly9tZWdhLm56L2ZpbGUvWDNJVDFDakojOVgzLVdIanBFZGJkYnJsTTg4TUE3cllDNXN0VkdzbzVXR05uekZoS1I0aw==&type=2
  11. Game works fine in Win 11.
  12. @Yusuf-5454 Use t and y in test menu. I think y selects and t moves. To start game press the windows key or ctrl alt del and click on task manager. Then click the shell window icon in task manager. Press y to enter credit. Press a few times to have many credits loaded. If you have free play enabled Press 1 or right click to start. Then click on the games icon in play
  13. all you have to change is this in shell\game.ini [Game] AssetDir=L:\Sega\Sega Amusement\PlantsVZombies\sega\pvz\assets\ width=1080 height=1920
  14. Is shell.exe allowed in your firewall? That was one of the others things that was done to fix the issue.
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