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lonely-wolf a gagné pour la dernière fois le 20 juillet 2016

lonely-wolf a eu le contenu le plus aimé !

À propos de lonely-wolf

  • Date de naissance 4 août

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    Les joysticks....
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Réputation sur la communauté

  1. lonely-wolf

    Kraut Buster

    Sadly, There are rumors about a micro controller inside the cartridge : you can dump the game but it won't wok properly without it.... And since there were few cartridges produced... I guess it will be a hobby for a very good hacker , one day.... But yeah : it's a Ripoff of metal slug... nothing new under the sun here.....
  2. Very nice of you ! Can we use real ISO , if we already have some with Xemu ? I have few games on redump format .... The size of each ISO is bigger (6.5 Go !!).
  3. Redream supports "everything" : GDI, BIN CUE, CHD and CDI Unstable versions are more advanced .. but unstable, sometimes... You don't need a bios , it's already included. Install the program, download some Dreamcast images and play. Oh and of course, use a joypad with it. I use an Xbox one controller but an Xbox 360 controller (or compatible...) is ok too !! check the link and read .. it's really easy (and English is not my mother tongue... )
  4. peut on avoir un re up ? Can we get a re up for this file ?
  5. thank you karis !
  6. and the torrent link doesn't work anymore... too bad ... :-(
  7. ahh... watermarking.... I don't think it's easy to take out ... especially if the logo is shown from time to time.... but the quality of the picture is really nice, yes ! ::-)
  8. come on ... don't rush on Karis ! it will be available ..when it's available !
  9. @linglang : RivaTuner Statistics Server is better compare to internal nvidia program. less latency....
  10. merci ! thanks !
  11. thanks NoKey .. i got it ! It's really nice... but it will take days for me to get it. I pass....
  12. heu.. j'ai pas bien compris ce truc .... c'est seulement un GUI pour avoir une belle interface propre, avec vidéo et tout tout OU est ce que avec 779 go (punaise va me falloir des jours et des jours...) on a aussi les jeux fournis ? I don't get it ??!! Is it a GUI ONLY ....or did the author included the games ?
  13. Merci à toi, robertnz01 !
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