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    lightgun appasionate

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  1. Thanks for this dump. There is a way to remove crossair on TP version?
  2. I have this issue...some fix? thanks
  3. Someone have the 1.2 version? Thanks!
  4. Please can you reupload the english translation?
  5. Hi everyone! I have flickering audio on DE4D...Does anyone else have this problem?
  6. did you try the version of the game uploaded by hippohippo?
  7. Ok now it works!!!!! saved and loaded!!! Another little thing, I use the game in ITALIAN, but when the attract mode starts and the instructions appear, when the rifle appears and it says pump for reloading, it's in Spanish instead of Italian... can you correct it?
  8. tested with the game shared by hippohippo, all works fine but the score ranking resets after restart. maybe a problem with the save directory? at the 1st place there is your score with SS rank named ARG.
  9. The game doesn't save my scoreboard ranking after restarting. and to you?
  10. select PARKING way after the prologue, then when you can choose the 3 different ways, choose the one on the left (it says D-B-R.)...after a minute a few seconds you find the monsters on the ceiling and it stops
  11. I'm having problems with V3 in the D.B.R. scenario when the monsters on the ceiling appear (like the lickers from RE2) the game closes... Does anyone else have this problem? with v1 and v2 everything was ok
  12. Hi guys. I have played TC5 standalone without problems...but if now i add it on TP, the game runs very slow...i can't find a solution...someone can help me please? Thanks
  13. is this mod no longer completed?
  14. this??? dead ...Update Rev A to Rev C (final):!cQ0FDKKZ!PiYhaPpXjE7yhgTpA7-0hA
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